With seed treatments the fastest growing sector in the crop protection market it is critical that farmers have access to these products and technologies, so as they can boost yields, conserve water and protect biodiversity. Seed treatments represent a way to safeguard our environment whilst increasing yields through enhanced plant emergence,growth and nutrition efficiency.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

China Reflection.

I thought I take this blog entry to reflect on China after what I have seen in the last 6 years of visiting and doing business in China, these are simply my my views of things and should not be taken any other way.
China has made a significant step forward in the road to capitalism that cannot be denied, there investment in infrastructure is second to none in the world that is a given. It is this investment that will see China step well ahead of other growing nations like India.
Having said that the rise in the middle class and the adoption of cars especially, is incredible but with that comes traffic issues particularly in the cites, parking and traffic management will be big issues onto he future. China also does not appear to have any real refrigerated road transport, which limits some market potential and provides risks to produce quality when opening up markets.
There public transport network is however world class in terms of efficiency and speed. Train travel in china is a good experience unlike in Australia.
The manufacturing capabilities are improving drastically, with a real understanding of the quality and service expectation of western markets, this has increased the costs of most items but the gap in quality is narrowing all the time.
Interestingly where the best education centres are is where you find the best products with the emphasis on innovation, to the point where I see in the near future china wanting to patent ideas and innovation something china is famous for not doing.

On this trip I was lucky enough to take a speed boat ride on the yellow river, what a volume of water that is and surprisingly clean and unpolluted, the colour was dirty but this was just stirring up of sediment not pollution.

Something new was at a Resturant the waitress brings out an iPad with the menu on it , you just flicked through what you wanted then reviewed your entire order and press send and it goes straight to the kitchen. It had a total of your account what was in each dish the ingredients any piece of information you wanted was all there, practical technology use that's for sure.

Next up I head off to Italy, stay posted.

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